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SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics

Table of Contents
Volume 66, Issue 6, pp. 1839-2205

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On the Solution of Long's Equation with Shear

Mayer Humi

pp. 1839-1852

Extinction Criteria in Stage-Structured Population Models with Impulsive Culling

R. R. L. Simons and S. A. Gourley

pp. 1853-1870

Ray Solution of a Singularly Perturbed Elliptic PDE with Applications to Communications Networks

Diego Dominici and Charles Knessl

pp. 1871-1894

Suppression of the Dirichlet Eigenvalues of a Coated Body

Steve Rosencrans and Xuefeng Wang

pp. 1895-1916

Return Map Characterizations for a Model of Bursting with Two Slow Variables

Roger E. Griffiths and Mark Pernarowski

pp. 1917-1948

Surface Tension-Driven Flow in a Slender Wedge

J. Billingham

pp. 1949-1977

Convection Effects in Thin Reaction Zones: Applications to Biacore

David A. Edwards

pp. 1978-1997

Model Development for Atomic Force Microscope Stage Mechanisms

Ralph C. Smith, Andrew G. Hatch, Tathagata De, Murti V. Salapaka, Ricardo C. H. del Rosario, and Julie K. Raye

pp. 1998-2026

Oscillations in a Maturation Model of Blood Cell Production

Ivana Drobnjak, A. C. Fowler, and Michael C. Mackey

pp. 2027-2048

Cellular Traction as an Inverse Problem

D. Ambrosi

pp. 2049-2060

Homogenization of a Wire Photonic Crystal: The Case of Small Volume Fraction

Guy Bouchitté and Didier Felbacq

pp. 2061-2084

Two-Dimensional High-Accuracy Simulation of Resistivity Logging-While-Drilling (LWD) Measurements Using a Self-Adaptive Goal-Oriented $hp$ Finite Element Method

D. Pardo, L. Demkowicz, C. Torres-Verdín, and M. Paszynski

pp. 2085-2106

Analysis of Nonlocal Electrostatic Effects in Chiral Smectic C Liquid Crystals

Jinhae Park and M. Carme Calderer

pp. 2107-2126

A Mumford–Shah Level-Set Approach for Geometric Image Registration

Marc Droske and Wolfgang Ring

pp. 2127-2148

On the Temperature-Jump Problem in Rarefied Gas Dynamics: The Effect of the Cercignani–Lampis Boundary Condition

Rosenei Felippe Knackfuss and Liliane Basso Barichello

pp. 2149-2186

An Asymptotic One-Dimensional Model to Describe Fires in Tunnels III: The Transient Problem

Ingenuin Gasser and Herbert Steinrück

pp. 2187-2203

Erratum: Global Stability in Chemostat-Type Competition Models with Nutrient Recycling

Shigui Ruan and Xue-Zhong He

pp. 2204-2205